
Our policies cover all mandatory and best practice areas related to the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care (NQF).

Our policies also now reflect the Child Safe Standards across various policies. These standards guide organisations in promoting the safety of children, preventing abuse and properly responding to any allegations of child abuse.

These policies have been developed based upon information and resources recommended by the peak body Early Learning Association of Australia to assist early services develop and update policies and procedures to meet legislative, regulatory and funding requirements.

At Appletree Hill Preschool, we value family input into decision making and strive to draw upon this input to continuously improve the quality of the centre. We are therefore pleased to invite you to view the preschool’s policies, particularly those that are currently in draft, and provide any feedback or comments via email [email protected] or to the Centre Director on 03 9560 2940.

Further information on the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care (NQF) is also available on the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) website via www.acecqa.gov.au

Please click here for the Policy General Definitions.

Policies Under Review

Families will be notified when new or updated policies are published for review. They will be available for feedback for a minimum of 14 days before becoming current.

Quality AreaViewPolicyTypeLinks to Child Safe StandardsLast ReviewedNext ReviewStatus
1ViewCurriculum DevelopmentBest PracticeNov-24Nov-25Current
1ViewInclusion and EquityBest PracticeNov-24Nov-25Current

Administration of First AidMandatoryAug-24Aug-25Current
2view Administration of MedicationBest PracticeApr-24Apr-25Current
2ViewAnaphylaxis and Allergic ReactionsMandatoryMay-24Apr-25Current
2view Child Safe Environment and WellbeingMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewDealing with Infectious DiseasesMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewDealing with Medical ConditionsMandatoryMar-25Mar-26
2ViewEmergency and EvacuationMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewEpilepsy and SeizuresBest PracticeMar-25Mar-26
2VieweSafety for ChildrenBest PracticeNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewExcursions and Service EventsMandatoryMar-25Mar-26Current
2ViewFamily Violence SupportMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewFood SafetyBest PracticeApr-24Mar-26Current
2ViewHygieneBest PracticeMar-25Mar-26Current
2ViewMental Health and WellbeingBest PracticeAug-24Aug-25Current
2ViewSleep and RestMandatoryApr-24Mar-25Current
2ViewSun ProtectionMandatoryMay-24Apr-25Current
2ViewSupervision of ChildrenBest PracticeNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewTobacco, E- Cigarettes, Alcohol and other DrugsBest PracticeApr-24Mar-25Current
2ViewWater SafetyMandatoryApr-24Mar-25Current
3ViewEnvironmental SustainabilityBest PracticeNov-24Nov-25Current
3ViewOccupational Health and SafetyMandatoryApr-24Apr-25Current
4ViewCode of ConductMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
4ViewDetermining Responsible PersonMandatoryMar-25Mar-26Current
4ViewParticipation of Volunteers and StudentsMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
5ViewInteractions with ChildrenMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
6ViewEnrolment and Orientation (free kinder)
7ViewCompliments and ComplaintsMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
7ViewFree Kindergarten FeesMandatoryMar-23Mar-24Current
7ViewGovernance and Management of the ServiceMandatoryNov-24Nov-25
7ViewInformation Communication TechnologyBest PracticeJul-24Apr-26Current
7ViewOccupational Violence and AggressionMandatoryApr-24Mar-25Current
7ViewPrivacy and ConfidentialityMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewSafe Arrival of ChildrenMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
7ViewStaff RecruitmentBest PracticeApr-24Apr-26Current
7ViewStaff Grievances and Dispute ResolutionBest PracticeNov-24Apr-26Current
7ViewPrevention of Harassment and BullyingMandatoryNov-24Mar-26Current
2ViewIn-nature ProgramBest PracticeJul-24Jul-25Current
2ViewAcceptance and Refusal of AuthorisationsMandatorySep-24Sep-25Current
2ViewDelivery and Collection of Children MandatoryOct-24Oct-25Current
1ViewEducational ProgramMandatory Nov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewIncident, Injury, Trauma and IllnessMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewNutrition, Oral Health and Active PlayMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
2ViewRoad Safety Education and Safe TransportBest PracticeNov-24Nov-25Current
5ViewBehaviour SupportMandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current
6ViewEnrolment and Orientation (sessional kindergarten)MandatoryNov-24Nov-25Current

Child Safe Standards

All organisations in Victoria that provide services or facilities for children or young people are
required to comply with Child Safe Standards. These Standards guide organisations in
promoting the safety of children, preventing abuse and properly responding to any allegations
of child abuse.

There are 11 Child Safe Standards:

Standard 1: Culturally safe environments – Establish a culturally safe environment in
which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and
young people are respected and valued.

Standard 2: Leadership, governance and culture – Ensure that child safety and wellbeing
are embedded in school leadership, governance and culture.

Standard 3: Child and student empowerment – Children and young people are
empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken

Standard 4: Family engagement – Families and communities are informed and involved
in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

Standard 5: Diversity and equity – Equity is upheld and diverse needs are respected in
policy and practice.

Standard 6: Suitable staff and volunteers – People working with children and young
people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in

Standard 7: Child-focused complaints processes – Ensure that processes for complaints
and concerns are child focused.

Standard 8: Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness – Staff and volunteers are
equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people
safe through ongoing education and training.

Standard 9: Physical and online environments – Physical and online environments
promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young
people to be harmed.

Standard 10: Review of child safety practices – Implementation of the Child Safe
Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.

Standard 11: Implementation of child safety practices – Policies and procedures that
document how schools are safe for children, young people and students.

If you would like to know more about the child safe standards and read them in full:

Child Safe Standards, Commission for Young People and Children
https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/child-safe-standards/the -11-child-safe-standards/